• VAT Refunds and VAT Free Diamond Purchases
• USA – Tax Free Diamonds
• Canada – Tax Free Diamonds
• Australia – Tax Free Diamonds
• Switzerland – Tax Free Diamonds
Buying from BelgiumDiamonds.net is the perfect choice for customers living outside of the EU. We ship regularly with express, insured couriers to all corners of the globe. Customers outside of the EU are exempt from paying EU VAT and other EU taxes. With VAT free purchases Zero rate VAT applies on items which will be shipped by Belgium Diamonds directly t odestinations outside the EU.
However in your home countries local import duties and VAT may be applied. We receive regular updates from our international shipping couriers regarding rates but we do not take responsibility for VAT and import duties charged in the countries of delivery outside of the EU. Therefore If you are not sure of VAT and taxes to be charged in your country upon receipt of shipment, we recommend that you confer with us and also check with your local authorities.
BelgiumDiamonds.net is not responsible for any taxes and/or expenses charged by authorities outside of the EU.
Visitors from outside the EU are entitled to receive a full VAT refund on goods they have purchased during their stay in the EU provided that the goods are produced to Customs on departure from the EU together with the VAT refund documents.
Visitors must provide proof of their non-EU residence status (e.g. non-EU passport)
Goods must be exported from the EU within 3 months of their purchase
Minimum value of purchase from Belgium Diamonds is 125 euro
VAT Refund Process:
Before leaving the EU, Customs will need to check if you are taking the purchases with you. Show Customs your purchase receipts and purchases. After the check, Customs will validate your purchase receipts with a Customs stamp.
(EU-Customs will consider you a non-EU resident if you have proof you live in a country outside the EU for at least six months per year. This is automatically proven if you are not registered in the EU as a resident. Customs can check if you are registered in the EU through a database. A legal document stating your residency in a non-EU country is also enough proof like a visa or work permit.)
To refund the VAT amount, you need to send the original stamped purchase receipts along with your bank details back to BelgiumDiamonds.net.
BelgiumDiamonds.net offers Full VAT Refunds and Express VAT Refunds.
Full VAT Refunds
Customers selecting this option receive a full refund immediately following BelgiumDiamonds.net receipt of refund from tax authorities. Since the tax authorities make refunds on a quarterly basis full refunds can take between 1-4 months.
3. Diplomats
If you are a diplomat, you can request a ‘libre permis’ from your employer. This is a document stating you are eligible to purchase tax-free. Diplomats residing in the EU can also be eligible for tax-free purchases via a libre permis. The libre permis must be presented at Customs together with your passport to receive a Customs stamp on the purchase receipt.
We do not take responsibility for VAT and import duties charged in the countries of delivery.
(Some of our replies sent by email may be filtered as spam or blocked entirely. Please include your telephone/whatsapp number so we can verify that our emails have been received).